There had been an INVASION!!! That's right, an invasion! Ants were taking over my bathroom. They were ALL over the floor, bathtub, shower curtain, and walls. Not even joking, I think that there were more that 500 of the little devils. After the initial shock wore off I grabbed the Clorox Cleanup and went to war. Some of them were drowned, some got smashed, and others died from the bleach fumes. I even tried to sweep up some of the ones that were on the floor--not such a good idea, seeing as they can move fairly quickly...
Well after a long battle I thought I was the conquer, but then I saw a trail of ants leading up the toilet bowl. I lifted up the cover and there were SO MANY ants! The picture doesn't even make it look as bad as it was. This was taken after I had sprayed the stupid bugs, and half of then had fallen in the bowl and been flushed.
This is is a picture after I wiped the dead ants off the seat. Needless to say, this was a wretched thing I had to experience. There are still a few ants crawling up the wall, but I put one of those plastic-things-full-of-ant-poison in there, so hopefully they will carry that back to their colony, never to return.
Oh, the joys of living on my own...