Ever feel like you're not really moving anywhere? Just stuck in the same 'ol place. That's how I'm feeling lately. I feel like my life is more routine than I care for. I go to work, work out a few times a week, try and cook dinner, clean up the house a little, go to bed, repeat...
I probably need to set some better goals or something. I have been trying to develop my artistic skills, but I just want to be amazing. Without having to practice. Of course.
I would love to do some projects around the house, but my ambitions are larger than my funds. Another one of life's ironies I guess.
How am I going to solve this? How am I going to shake this feeling? I'll probably go to bed without washing my face or taking out my contacts...
I hear you! Right now it's kinda like: shampoo, rinse, repeat. Groundhog Day. Something has to change. Try some new food? Restaurant? New book? Re-read a book? Send a letter to someone? Write in your journal? Just some thoughts...For myself as well.
Sooooo, the only thing I could think of that completely threw my routine out of whack was...having a baby. So there you go ;)
Alright, alright, I can come up with other ideas...that was just the easiest, and most disruptive idea that came to mind.
You should take an art class. Or go to As You Wish--I love that place :)
I think you meant stagnant, right? haha Anyway, such is life. I've felt like that many times!!! Maybe I'm just used to it now. There are so many things I wish I was amazing at without practice too. And I wish stuff didn't cost money so I could try and do cute crafty things.. Bummer.
plan a trip! that always helps my funks.
Go on a hike! It always makes me feel like I've done something cool and it's free!
So I'm sure you already know this, but find ways to serve people. Look for ways to help people that will get you excited. Having something to look forward too is so great. Maybe you could cut people's hair for charity or serve people some other way using your talents. You are funny and kind, Lindsey. Cheer people up. And keep praying to Heavenly Father about how He would most like you to serve His children. He will guide you.
Love you Linds!
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